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Skin Care

 Here I will tell some beauty tips for glowing skin that easily can be followed by everyone,

Having a glowing skin is wish of every people in the world; Most of people in the world usually search for best tips that can really give fabulous idea which have effective results, although it is very difficult to choose a right product for a right skin, As different people have different skin type, but many of us not aware for type even,  Here are some types of skin,
                                               Dry, Oily, Normal, and Combination & Sensitive
Different skin need different products, methods to take care it, Beauty products help a lot in maintaining the quality of the skin. They are formulated to combat all the factors that make the skin dull and unhealthy however before using any product it is very important to read the details of the products that which ingredients have been used, that can also be sensitive for your skin, so you have to check that matches your skin or not this verification will judge you for proper decision.
here I will tell some good skin care tips
1: For having a glowing skin you should wash your face before going to the bed,
2: You should apply moisturizer that will help you for softness although ingredient should be verified while buying it,
3: Diet play really massive role for having a great look with glowing skin either for male or female,
(Water, vegetables are recommended)
  4. Exercising regularly is also suggested because it contributes to overall skin health and can   help you in achieving a glowing skin because such activity improves blood circulation

It is more important to protect your skin from different skin problems and from sunrays too, use sun block that must be verified or recommended by professional beautician or doctor as well, it should also be checked that if you have sensitive of acne skin you must kept  separate towel for use,

In next session I will tell some home-based skin care mask

Make Money from Home

With all the uncertainty in businesses and the work place many people are choosing to work for themselves at home. Some of these small home businesses even become large businesses. Whether you want to create your own products to sell, have a service to sell or want to be an independent distributer for a company, being in businesses for your self is a lot of work but it has many benefits over going to work for someone, Most of all many home businesses have an unlimited money making potential and choosing when you work and when you take time for other thing. Going into businesses for your self can be both exciting and scary. You get to create your businesses the way you want it. You have the freedom and control over this huge part of your life and no boss to put up with. The scary part is that you are responsible for everything, it is all on you.

First of all and most important you must have a way to support yourself while growing your businesses. Success seldom comes right away; it takes time, money, and work, work, work.

If you are going to do an MLM, please read the section on

MLM (Malty Level Marketing)

MLM has made many of its practitioners very wealthy and has often been hailed as the most brilliant money making idea that has ever come out. It has great strategies where you get more money for helping someone else make money too.

So why does MLM have such a bad reputation these days?

There are many reasons but the most common is poor education, resources, help and just plain bad and wrong information. It is often the blind leading the blind. When you have unsuccessful people trying to teach someone to be successful there is very little chance of success. As It is very simple to understand that all the people does not have all the skills, or different have different skills, There is also the problem that many people get this crazy idea that all they need to do is sigh up and they will magically become rich with little effort on their part. I know it sounds crazy, but it is very common. I have seen many people who sign up to do a business, do very little work on it and then start yelling "scam" because they did not become rich in a few short months of going to meetings and doing little or not much else.

So how can you be successful with MLM? First of all, although many people had very big success in MLM, no one can ever be guaranteed success. As with much of life, there are no grantees of success but there are ways to maximize your ability to get your destiny,

First of all and most important you must have a way to support yourself while growing your businesses. Success seldom comes right away; it takes time, money, work, work, and work. You must have some money to grow your businesses. I know many people will tell you, you don't need to spend any money to be successful but this is just more of that bad/wrong information, a pretty pipe dream that sounds really good. In a large majority of the time, it takes money to make money. There are often minimum monthly sales/perches. Most people are not able to make those sales right away and just buy it themselves. Normally around $100 worth a month you may also need to buy sales materials, advertising, business cards and more. I know you will hear stories of people that made a tone of money without spending a dime. They just got out there and talked to everyone they saw, had that magic ability to sell a snow cones in a blistered. Those people do excised but chances are you are not one of them.

You need to get familiar with the fundamentals of your businesses both the businesses structure and the products and services. You will need to find a business’s building method you feel you can do (I will explain different businesses building methods in other articles) Learn as much as you can about your chosen method and do it, do it, do it. You will not do it prefect the first time, you will make mistakes some times and that is OK. The most important thing is that you take action and a lot of it. If you have done a lot of your chosen method and it is not producing the results you need then chose a different one and work it hard. Continue doing this until you find what works for you. When you find what works for you keep doing it. In time you may want to add new methods but make sure you keep doing what you know works for you the most.

Never demand that your down line only do what works for you. HELP THEM FIND WHAT WORKS FOR THEM.

Now when that money starts to come in most people are tempted to have fun spending it. It is not time for that yet. First you must make your new position stronger. Invest in what brought you success and make it stronger. Pay all your bills and pay off ALL of your debts. This is VERY important because it gives you a much stronger position!

Who is Child?


      Any person under the age of 18 years
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) also defines a child as a person under the age of 18 years of age.

What is Child Rights?

Rights are promises or guarantees given to someone by another party (such as Government)
Child Rights are set of promises made by the government (including the Government of Pakistan through ratification of the UN (Convention on the Rights of the Child) CRC to uphold and fulfill.
Historical Background of CRC
      1924: Rights were adopted by the League of Nations. These were the world's first Declaration on the Rights of the Child
      1948: UN General Assembly approved the adoption of a Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
       1959: UN General Assembly adopted a Second Declaration of Rights of the Child.
      1979: The International Year of the Child
      1989: Work on the draft convention on the Rights of the Child completed. Convention adopted by the UN General Assembly.
      1990: Pakistan ratified the CRC
Child Rights and Constitution of Pakistan
      Article 11 (1) of the Constitution of Pakistan forbids slavery and states that no law shall permit or facilitate its introduction into Pakistan in any form. Article 11 (2) prohibits all forms of forced labor and trafficking in human beings, Article 11 (3) prohibits employment of children below the age of 14 years in any factory or mine or any other hazardous employment.
      Section 25 (I)(II)(III) of Pakistan's Constitution provides equal status and are entitled to equal protection of Law. It furthers provides that no discrimination is permissible on the basis of sex and state can make special provision for the protection of women and children.
      Section 35 of Pakistan's Constitution specifies in Principles of Policy that the State is responsible for protecting the marriage, the family, the mother and the child.
  • ·         The Constitution under Article 37 establishes the need to protect human dignity and privacy, guarantees freedom of movement, ensures freedom of association and grants freedom of speech. It is the responsibility of the State to “make provision for securing just and human conditions of work, ensuring that children and women are not employed in occupations unsuited to their age and sex. 

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Free OCR to Word will change the way you handle with the paper work. Based on the sophisticated OCR technology, Free OCR to Word has the capability to identify text within image files, turn it into electronic document and save it in the format of your choice. Retyping is eliminated, tasks are automated, information is easily accessed and productivity soars.
However, the text must initially be scanned using a scanner or it could be received as an electronic file through fax or other similar sources. Before scanning, some flexible adjustment of scanning parameters are allowed, such as:Color format, File type, Resolution (DPI), Brightness, Contrast and more. At any rate, the quality of the image file is crucial for any OCR software to work correctly and to be able to grant you good enough outcomes or nearly98% accuracy. Your scanned image can be in JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP, TIFF, ICO, EMF, PCX... formats.
Free OCR to Word can recognize specified areas in an input image. You might need to select the image and text regions that are recognized by the OCR software. Some image & document tools are integrated with the software for image errors correcting and document editing. If the input image contains the orientation and skew errors, use"Rotate CW" or "Rotate ACW" tools to fix the angle of them. For better viewing, try "Fit Image", "Fit Width" as well as Zoom tools. With document tools you can clear the text window, remove line breaks, copy and paste the text, even add some words that are missing or correct the wrong words.
Free OCR to Word provides a new way of translating printed text to a digital file that can be modified or edited in a word processor. It's a great solution to archive your paper-word and de-clutter your workspace, post documents on the Internet or your local corporate network, send your documents via email in the popular document formats, etc. Here you can download Free OCR to Word to make every file on your computer can be searchable.