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Yummy, Delicious & Appetizing Turkish coffee Drink,

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Here you will know about the Turkish coffee drink recipe, that are really delicious and easy making way, and it is one of the good standard drink used in different countries in different, so here you will come to know A Turkish coffee drinks, 



  1. §  Coffee beans
  2. §  Water (milk can be substituted if favored)
  3. §  Sugar (non-compulsory)
  4. §  Ground or crushed spices
  5. §  Turkish delight

ü  You should need to have a Turkish coffee pot, a spoon, sugar and coffee that has been ground to a fine powder. Select Turkish coffee beans as best coffee beans for making Turkish coffee are mocha, java, and Viennese roast, It is very simple and very yummy to drink,

ü  Always use cold, drinkable water. To measure the amount of water for each cup, use the coffee cup you are go For each cup of coffee, as I said in ingredients that sugar is not mandatory but if you or your guest prefer it then put sugar in the very beginning, stirring the mixture until combined.

ü  After this keep coffee for boil at medium heat this will 5 to 6 minutes hardly so keep eye on it, medium heat as it get deeply strong. As the coffee warms, you will see a dark foam building up. The dark foam in Turkish coffee is important part of this recipe or it is customary and important to serve Turkish coffee with foam on top. Closer to it coming to a boil, using a teaspoon, relocate some of the foam into each of your Turkish coffee cups. Return coffee pot to stovetop. As coffee comes to a boil, pour half of the coffee into the cups, over the foam. Return coffee pot to stovetop and boil the remaining coffee for an additional 15-20 seconds and pour the rest into the coffee cups, filling them to the rim

Then serve it in Turkish pots, no matter if it is served in others,

Enjoy , and try other country recipes..

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