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How to get rid of Acne

So it’s a matter of your skin, do not take any risk by using any material that does not match to your skin, skin is the largest organ of human body, skin cells constantly change as by age, its journey starts since you take birth, although some times after coming in age when you start thinking that you may take care of you and you use many products that does not suit your skin as I already have shared an article related with skin care,

Here I will tell you that how to get rid from acne or oily skin that is very sensitive from all other skins, As It is question from that that has acne skin. What you feel when u wake up and see the new shinning spot on your face? O it’s really Pity? I can feel that as having oily or acne skin it is the 1st requirement that we must have clean skin that is extremely difficult.  We use some creams suggested by many beauticians, friends and other colleagues for getting rid from acne but we forgot that products have chemical reaction as well, it’s very right that those products will remain useful for us but not long period, it’s just for some time, as leave using that products and same you will observe so here I will tell you some good products that have no chemical affect, which are natural and gave you natural look.

Remember this, that acne skin is natural so you can get rid by using natural product

1: Yogurt and Honey:
For reducing acne make paste of honey and yogurt and apply on acne areas of face, use it when you feel need,

2: Honey and Cinnamon:
Make the mixture of honey and cinnamon and apply on face over night and wash it in next morning, its proved tip will also remove your skin acne if you use it continuously for two weeks,

3: Aloe Vera Gel:
The Aloe Vera Gel is also good for face it’s well guaranteed it will not reduce but it can remove acne of your face, use it twice or some thrice daily on your face, result will amazed you in on one week only.

4: Toothpaste

 What you think? Toothpaste??? Is it having also role for reducing acne? Yes Afcors How?? See here... Acne spots are more complicated than people realize because it’s not only affects you physically, but mentally, emotionally and socially. This is really unbearable to face the embarrassment and frustration caused by the acne spots, such condition need proper and quickly attention, so use tooth paste on your face before sleeping and wash it in morning.

5: Gram Flour with Milk:

Make the mixture of gram Flour and Milk and apply as daily face wash.

6: Egg White:

Take White of egg, and apply on face with the help of fingers it will reduce acne of your face, it is always used as facial mask but it is beneficial for acne as well.

7: Cucumber Juice:

Cucumber juice has so many healthy benefits; among all its benefits this is also effective when it comes to treat acne. Use cucumber juice as toner to get acne clear skin. Apply cucumber juice on your face for 10-12 minutes twice a week.

8: Use of Garlic:
Garlic is part of our food, and it makes our food delicious so it is also beneficial for removing acne from your skin, take a piece of garlic , rub it in your skin almost for 20 to 25 minutes 4 times in a week. Make sure that the juice of garlic is deeply touching the pores and acne places of face,

These were some tips that will be helpful for your skin; your towel must be separate from others, and if apply cold water for your face that will be good
Glow your skin by using home based facial, here is my article for glowing skin