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Improve Your Memory

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It’s really very common issue in nowadays that not only aged peoples but younger’s/ teenager’s even children complain for memory that they don’t remember things well, is it so??? Is this problem with you also??? I think most of us will say yes... And I know very well that most of us will say that the cause of this is heavy burden of work and responsibilities etc...

But is it right? Is this really the cause? So we need to think for while, Children like age of 11 12 years, even say that they have same problem, do they have responsibilities as much? Afcors not... So here is need to find the accurate reason, because this problem is related with health if the right way will not be recognized it may affect our generation as well.  One of the research proved that this problem is rapidly growing in students who are the future of our world as the result they could not be as qualitative and efficient as they would be!! There can be numerous reasons for this dilemma like lack of necessary nutrients, lack of sleep or lack of hale and hearty exercise. Every problem comes up with the solution so stop getting worried, mug up and take the following steps to improve your memory
 We recommend eating Almonds with milk as it is most common solution to improve your memory which is known by many of us, one more thing is this that many of us says that GOD have gifted amazing brain to some of us, but actually it is not as, the reality is GOD gifted to same brain to all of us, some people know how to use it and some don’t use their mind at all things and this we also from our environment,


It is also a tool to increase you memory, mediation is intended to bring two parties together to clear up misunderstandings for memory increasing point of you it will be used as by offering Islamic Salah if you are Muslim, Salah because the steps that are being performed in Salah help to circulate blood to brain which is tremendously good for memory non Muslim can do this by following their religion,


Exercise is one of the best way to relax you brain tiredness which will refresh your mind and as a result will improve your memory, Exercise may also enhance the effects of helpful brain chemicals and protect brain cells. Physical exercise will increase oxygen to your brain and reduce the wrong information and will refresh the brain.

Sleep Well:

It’s one of the very important reason of losing the memory, as we do not give proper time to our sleeping, its reality that today we have no time as have so many activities other then work, study we spend our most time like surfing on net and using different application like Skype, whats up kick etc or mobile is the main reason during chat with friends and colleges we sleep very late, and the next day again with same routine we apply and same practice continue so due to this we lose our memory, so we must sleep at least 7 to 8 hours daily,

Here are so many tips for improving memory like we must eat a balance dies, we should use red carrots juice, and also other juices, we must give rest to our mind for this some family picnic and family gatherings are best ideas,  Experts also suggest using fish oil for improving memory so it is one of essential tip. Do not think more for one thing or do not take negative things well in mind, taking things as stress will also reduce your memory. So smile always :) 

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