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Home Based hair treatment Tips

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Knowing type of hairs can be helpful to treat them more marvelously, so you must know the type of your hairs, weather Normal, Oily or Dry.
It’s not tough to know what types of your hairs are, Let’s have some symptoms for all type of hairs,
Oily: tissue test is a best tip for knowing it that is your hairs oily?
Take a piece of tissue put on your hairs when your hairs are fully dry or you have washed them before one day, rub it and check is tissue have some oil? If yes then hairs oily if then your hairs are normal at some stand that can also be Dry,
Dry: Mostly dry hairs are rough, or can it can be said that have lacking enough oil,

Don’t get worry! If you are hairs are falling because it is normal to lose hair as hair fall is backed up naturally by hair fall, but be conscious that not as many hairs fall as you lose your look and personality,
As you know that hairs play main role to make our look gorgeous & stunning, so do not compromise.

1: Egg & Yogurt Formula: One of the best hair conditioner or formula, easy to make and apply,
Take yolk of one egg and half cup of plain yogurt, make mixture and then apply on you hairs for one and half hour, then wash your hairs with your hairs matched shampoo, you will get a marvelous change after using it 3 or 4 times, use 3 times in a month, your hairs will be smooth, silky, soft, and shinny as well, as it is an organic tip. Can be apply for oily and dry years,
It will be better that if you put 1 lemon in this conditioner although it depends upon you, it is great and cheaper way to get many advantages in a little time

2: Special tip for damaged hairs:
What a great home remedy it is! Apply it and see the amazed result......
Take half cup of honey, olive oil 2 table spoon for loose the honey, and one egg yolk, make mixture of all things, deeply massage your hairs with this mixture, time depend upon the hairs length, but at least 10-20 minutes, and then leave for 30 minutes then wash it, use this tip for only 3 times in a month,  
Do not waste your money at expensive salons, do by yourself, you will save your time, money as well.

3: Special Tip for Oily and Greasy hairs (Cornmeal/Cornflour or Cornstarch)
 This special and inexpensive tip for oily hairs is to absorb oil from hairs, take one table spoon cornflour and Cornstarch, put them on your hairs, and rub gently for 10 for 20 minutes for soak up the oil, then use a big scull hair brush at every corner of you hairs,
Use this tip in 8 to 10 times in a month, if your hairs are very greasy, but if little greasy then use for 4 5 times in a month, it will completely make your hairs normal and shinny as well within 2 months only,

4: Special Tips for dry hairs:
Mayonnaise is one of the best ingredients for dry hairs specially, all mentioned tips in article all well guaranteed and inexpensive for improving hairs, so this is also one of them, this ingredient is easy to get as it is available at home, take simple mayonnaise ¼ cup, put plastic bag on your hands and the massage for 10 minutes only, at each corner of hairs, comb your hairs, and after 45 minutes wash hairs with your hairs matched shampoo,
Apply this once in a week,
2nd Tip for Dry hairs:
Olive oil is one of the best remedy for dry hairs, apply it especially before one hour than washing your hairs,

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