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Different Amazing Tips

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This Article is actually have some different, easy and simple tips, that will help you in your daily life, for looking more beautiful,

Soft Hand Tip:
You will need a small tomato, one medium lemon, and little glycerin, here is two ways to apply this material on your hands for softness and fairness,

1: You may use 2 tea spn juice of tomato, lemon, and little glycerin, massage for 10-12 minutes, and then wash it with cool water,

2: the 2nd method is massage with tomato for 5 minutes and then lemon and glycerin mix and massage, for 10 minutes wash with cool water,
Apply this for 10 days only, that will definitely motivate you, and then you will like to continue this, although it will give you great result within 10 days,

Get pink and soft lips:
A pretty smile on your face gives very good impression of your personality, Lips are very delicate and sensitive  part of body, which need more attention, every one want to have cute pink lips, although due to seasonal change we lost some time that pretty look of our lips,
1: Use juice of coriander; it will give you soft lips
2: Coconut oil, apply it over night,
3: take a cup un boiled milk, Boil it deeply and then let it get cool, you will find a thickness inside the milk, take that and apply on your lips all night, you may also mix glycerin with it, glycerin will help to get pink. Note: Mill should be fresh
4: for treating black lips (like Africans lips) for getting it pink and soft, you take a little butter , glycerin, mix it apply over night, you may include 2 3 drops fresh rose water,
All above lips tips are result oriented, you must apply 3 times in a week, ruin with cold water in morning that will make you lips shinny / glowing, pink & soft.

Get rid from pimples:
Many of us have problems of pimples, although sometimes due to seasonal change some times oily skin etc. we use different expensive products, treatment but timely we get rid although not for a long time, here are some tips that will help you to get rid from this problem,
1: Rose water and Lemon juice:
Take some drops of rose water and 1 tea spoon of lemon juice, apply this on your face but not with fingers, use cotton sticks... keeping this in mind once you use a cotton stick do not use that again mean same on next day, use this remedy for a month regularly, definitely it will bring a remarkable change, mixing lemon juice and sandalwood powder is also effective for plummeting pimples. A mixture of lemon juice with cinnamon power is also useful in treating Pimples.
 2: Honey and cinnamon powder
Make this mixture and apply over night, 3 times in a week continue for a month, completely remove pimples.
3: Garlic:  
Rub garlic piece on pimples, 2 or 3 times in a day,
4: Tomato
Take a to tomato cut into two pieces, keep this freezer , when it get cold, rub on face twice in a day, that will give you shinny and pimples free skin, same with lemon
5: Raw Papaya Juice:

Raw Papaya juice is very effectual product for skin, apply 3 times in a week in whole face, skin will glow and it will be pimple free. 

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