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How to get rid of Kidney Stones

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Kidney is one of the main parts of our body the kidneys help to detox and filter impurities from the blood, it misuse products from urine, Stones form in kidney when it is not able to Process venom powerfully. Exclusively, a crystallization of unrefined reserves builds up. That stone cause pain and as it block the flow urine, it is somehow treacherous. If you know anyone who has this issue that kindly tell them about some easy methods mention to get rid of this issue, or refer this article
 Here I will tell you some easy methods that will save your time if you are working person, taking care yourself is very important so do not ignore such issues.

1: Lemon Juice, Olive Oil, and Raw Apple Cider Vinegar:
Take 2 tbs lemon juice, olive oil and 1 tbs raw apple cider vinegar mix it in one glass water and drink it, do this 3 times in a day, if you want get rid stone soon than drink at least 20 glass water in a day,
2: Kidney Beans:
Kidney beans are also good for kidney stone; traditionally the pods were used as a medicinal tonic. Try to remove beans from inside their pods, and then boil pods for 3 hours in water, you will see that thick liquid will be there, cool that and take throughout the day, continue till 10 days.
3: White radish
this vegetable is very helpful  for kidney stone, and it is 100% guarantee, take one radish in early morning before eating anything drink juice of radish, it is very sour for drinking but do this only for 7 days, after this have a examine of your kidney, I guarantee there will be no stone,
 I personally have tried this method, and I was really amaze when got my report,

4: Eat Healthy food

Unhealthy food intake is a primary root of kidney stones. Cut down on the amount of cold drink and energy drinks you drink. Avoid progression foods and intoxicating beverages. Add more fruits and vegetables to your diet,

5: Pomegranate or Watermelon

Eating Pomegranate is also helps for getting rid from this issue, both seed and juice are helpful, Eat 2 pomegranates daily or drink one or 2 glass of juice for 7 days, you will see the result from the day 1,
Watermelon is a great way to treat kidney stones composed of calcium and magnesium phosphates and carbonates. The potassium present in watermelon is an essential ingredient for healthy kidneys. It helps regulate and maintain the acid level in urine. Along with potassium watermelon has also a great/ high absorption of water, eating water melon regularly will delete kidney stone problem from your life,

Exercise 30 minutes every day, cardiovascular exercise will keep your bones from releasing excess calcium, apply these tips, hopefully you will get result, all tips have benefits but especially I will refer you radish tip, 

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