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How to make Effective Resume/CV

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CV means Curriculum Vitae is actually outline of a person professional and educational history, this is the document that attract reader for short listing of applicants, that means CV outlook should professional, it is very important document as in a 1, 2 or 3 pages our all important data is written and that should be correct, simple and understandable to the readers, this document is not for us so every word should be written as clear as reader can understand easily, so it should be kept in mind while developing resume that other person will be able to  understand or not, avoid using short forms as you may understand but others can’t,
Example: I am QEM in an Organization and I have written in My Resume, I applied in other organization, now reader have question, What Does QEM mean?? it means it is not clear to them, although it is written Quality Education Monitor, now that objection killed reader not have more time to read your CV as he will have to see many others as well, You know many people hire others for developing their CV and they pay them more 100$ or may be some take less, you can search on Google professional CV Developers, or at some sites as, Brightspyre etc.. But If you understand this article clearly you may develop your effective resume, more you can take help from Google, as Having a solid and effectual resume can significantly improve your chances of landing that dream job
Usually CV is divided in 5 main parts,
1.       Heading & Objective
2.       Personal Information
3.       Education
4.       Experience
5.       Expertise or Skills

 First Part in directly link with, who you are, from, nationality, etc but this part is very important as it tells about your profile
In part 2nd Heading and Objective, you need to write your name in Bold Letters, size should be enough like 36 or 48, add address and contact after this in small letters, then add objective, which must be very clear that what you want to say, it will more good if you change the objective during applying seeing the organization type, In 3rd Part add complete educational information, start from HSC till your education, and write grade,%, institute, year of passing and group beside the degree, In education part you may include a sub Part like, Awarded certificates in during education,
In 4th part professional experience will be add, but if you have been working since last 10-15 years, and you may have started from the age 16/17 so it is not important to write all experience briefly, as more concise, concrete  CVs are more recommended, although If you have work with an organization so you need to write time period, organization name, designation, and your main responsibilities, but it should be concise and should give complete sense , that what you want to say, you may include your main achievement during working with organization,
In last part that include Expertise or Skills, write all expertise or courses you have done for improving professional life, or you may have attended mega level conferences, trainings, but here you also need to add important things only,
Sometimes people add, 2 days training here, 3 days training there, do not add such trainings or events, which increase pages of your CV and are not important as well, add your capabilities and qualities in this part
 Main Suggestions for effective resume:
ü  Use effective Titles
ü  Use Bullet Points
ü  Proofread more then 2 3 times
ü  Put most important information only
ü  No need to add logos of organizations or pics etc
ü  Update and change your resume with time
ü  Do not include list of responsibility, it is boring and reduce chance for short listing, add just 2 3 words
ü  No lies in Resume, write real education and experiences
ü  Try your resume be reviewed by someone else as well
ü  Don’t write extra things like hobbies etc
ü  Try to write action verbs
ü  Avoid writing pronouns
ü  CV should be simple, no fancy design
ü  Write email and contact after your name on the top of the page, but contact must be prope
ü  Use good quality white or off-white paper.
ü  Spell and punctuate perfect
This article will be helpful for developing quality resume as a result you will get short list for interview, also read my previous article on interview

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