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Tips & Steps for Decision making

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Making decision for any problem is easy but making right and guaranteed decision is very difficult, so you will come to know in my article that how to make effectual decision, and what steps may be taken for ensuring that decision is right or not, Many leaders, managers do not success it is only due to poor decision making, here we talking about decision of any problem whether in our personal or professional life, in our work etc.  Before making the decision we need to understand problem its level and then it should be deeply evaluate keeping different alternative aspect in mind, we have many examples of success leaders who got their destiny with their positive efforts, I can tell you with huge confidence all leaders are not created equivalent as it comes to the capability of their decision skills nothing will test your leadership courage more than your ability to make decisions. Decision making is not different then leadership it is linked with it, decision making is actually depend upon the level of problem, though same steps will be followed but distribution of time in each step will be totally different, If a leader/ manager make one bad decision then proofing it right they make many other bad decision, one bad decision upon others became reason of failure of given task as a result project vision fail and image of leader also destroyed, if you want to became successful in your life then follow these tips, by following these you can be good decisions maker,
  • ü  Stop Seeking Perfection
  • ü  Be Confident
  • ü  Be Independent
  • ü  Turn your brain off
  • ü  Do not solve a problem, decide it
  • ü  Admit your mistakes,

Now we will see what steps we should follow for better decision,  

Step 1: Identify Problem and its level:

Here you must know what is the problem?
 And how serious it is?
Here we need to see problem with each angel,

Step 2: Seek and gather Information:

Why this problem created? How it was created?
What is related and what is not related to the decision?
What do you need to know before you can make a decision, or that will help you make the right one?
Who knows, who can assist, who has the power and authority to make this happen or stop?                    
And related information with the problem,

Step 3: Analyze the Situation of Problem:

What possible remedies are available?
What different explanation of the data may be possible?
Brainstorming process will take place here, you have to analyze problem deeply

Step 4: See for Alternatives:

In this step you need to see that what alternatives are available, if your problem not solve with available possibility means here you will have to ask If Questions,

Step 5: Evaluation of Alternatives:

In above steps you have seen possible remedies, and developed alternatives as well, so here you will have to evaluate alternatives whether alternatives you have choose are actually fine or here is still need to review this, that will be evaluate from available information
Assess for feasibility, suitability and popularity.
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Which alternative can best to attain your objectives?
After selecting an alternative you also need to asses risk for selected alternatives,

Step 6: Implement and Evaluate Outcome:

When all other processes end, and then implement your Plan but do not forget to monitor it time to time, as If you see this do not work well you can change your decision, but this can hardly happen that after applying complete steps you may not feel need to change decision,

Do not make quick decisions, or in case of emergency you may make decision but I will suggest to apply this process though you may merge 2, 3 steps seeing the situation, 

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