You will get marvelous information in this Blog, that will be interesting and knowledgeable for you.


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How to Loss Belly Fat

This issue is very common nowadays, even it can be said many people are not fat but look fatty due to bally weight,  there are many reasons of bally fat, you may have heard bally fat occur when you sit more, its right, although many other reasons, 

 some common reasons are,
  • ü  Sitting more on chair or floor (up or down)
  • ü  Drinking water after eating anything ( particularly food/meal)
  • ü  Eating rice daily
  • ü  Taking bath during periods ( for female)
  • ü  Eating heavy things daily ( in routine)
  • ü  NO walk or Exercise
  • ü  Soft drinks, Juice, Cold drinks etc

 Most of us passing very busy life and some of us live out of home having different reasons so they eat food of outside, which contain unhygienic things as well, here I will tell some things which will help to reduce bally fat, as I have written above that how we get bally fat so take care yourself, as You look always smart, and smart people seems small than their age, which may be wish of every one of us.

1: Oatmeal:

This food is very helpful for reducing bally fat, although you must not sit more time, eat this in morning meal, and include one little warm water glass in early morning,

2: Green Vegetables:

Include more green vegetables in your food, try to eat raw vegetables, like salad, but do not include mayonnaise and such heavy things in salad.
3: remove Sweet dishes from your meal:
Sweet dishes are very harmful for your health if you taking tough diet, it actually boost your weight up, You may use little sugar, although I will suggest to remove for some days when you are on diet, do not drink soft drinks, one glass of cold drink contain 16 spoons of sugar,
4: Bally Exercise
                Bally Exercise play vital role to reduce bally fat, daily 15 to 20 times do it this, spend 10 minutes almost,

5: Frozen Meal:
               This thing is very common, many of us eat frozen meal that are very harmful for our health, as I said above in this article that people live out of home so they eat things buy from outside, like frozen food etc, It is the main reason of bally weight, 

6: Mixture of Lemon juice and Honey
              This tip is very useful, If you continue try this for 40 days you will see the best result, you just a one lemon 1 tbs honey and 1 glass of little warm water, take in early morning before eating breakfast, put lemon and honey in water and drink it, eat breakfast after 30 minutes of this, and that will be more good if you eat oatmeal in breakfast,
Exercise is very important daily you will observe the result after 15 days, also recommend these tips to others. 

Earn through face book without investment

Everyone from us is interested in earning, as money is need of everyone, thousands of people search through internet to earn more, although some of them achieve their goals and many of us are deceived from different sides which are actually scam/fake.. earning is not very easy, you may get many emails and messages that you will earn 500/ 200$ in hour, just register for 20/49$, these all are fake, actually these are the ways for deceiving people, once you will enter your bank detail they will take out money using you details as these will be saved on their sites, although all not scam, here are also many good sites, ways, etc,. Like earning through blog writing, by Google adsense, YouTube, some PTC sides, face book etc...
Here in this Article you will come to know about earning through face book by using click bank account, earning through face book is actually done by promotions of some products, there are also some other ways but I am not sure these works or not but the way I am introducing here is really works and that is to promote products of an affiliate site, although it needs more time, attention and hard working as well, as I told you before earning is not easy,
Developing Id on FB know by everyone, so it is the 1st step
  • ü  Create an Id on face book:   You can use your own name as well
  • ü  Create another ID on click bank:
                              Sign up there, follow instruction, after sign up you will see the top in the click bank page a marketplace, click there, and go down with the curser,

on the right site there will be a title named categories select one of the categories you may promote other products also, although if you will focus on one category than you may concentrate well, also set you fb page keeping view that category, click on selected category and then you will see the different product page will be open, take help of images,

Select one product, then click on create, you will see another window will open, the link is available have more characters, users may not like to click on that or sometimes Face book will also deny to post that, don’t be worry for this, as you can use some sites to minimize the link length, there is the site known tinyurl that is use to tiny the url characters,  copy the url you want to make tiny paste as shown in picture and then press the make tiny URL button, you will get a link which is tiny, you can open it in other window and you will see the same product page you want to access will be open, copy the link you make tiny paste on fb and do not post before adding a sentence  related to the product you promoting, write some words that convince others to buy
your product, make your face book look related with your selling products,
In the way you can earn by promoting different products and will get commission directly in your account, you can promote some other sites product as well like commission junction and etc... 

Best exercise for daily fitness

This Article is purely related with fitness of our body, do you feel body pain even you look smart? Do you think that you are getting fat? Or anything else like this, don’t worry for such problems because here you will come to know different exercise method that will keep away from such problems and finally you will yourself comfortable, here I will introduce some very easy methods which will not take more time although within 20-30 minutes daily you can even reduce you weight,

This Article is particularly for the people who passing very busy life or cannot find more time for their maintenance; do you ever think that what your parts require from you? Let have example of a vehicle that need to be maintain 3 or 4 twice in a month, the part of vehicle use to be wash, in the same way our body requires little time to move the each part as a result you will get good health and fit body. You may have heard that you need tools of exercise for fitness, although it is not very important you can exercise without tools, best time of exercise early morning although you may do this in evening if you don’t have eaten anything after lunch, when will you start exercise you will feel body pain it will continue for few days, than you body mass will be smooth than before, slowly you will feel yourself comfortable,  
See how,

1: Leg and Arm exercise:
 Both these are important body parts, so you need to move these in different direction, Lay on floor and then 1st take you left leg up as it became straight with west, do it 10 times and same with right and then with both, in continue way, do not stop it, and same do with both arms

For more idea see the picture do this 10 minutes only, and do not forget to drink water 20 water glass in a day,

2: Bally and west Exercise:

   Most of us have bally weight problem so they want to get rid from this because only for this their body look fatty, find 10 minutes only daily, drink 1 glass of little warm water at morning and then lay on floor, try to stand you upper body part with the help of west and upper body do not use lower body parts like foot or knees, do this 10 times see the pictur

It is very important do drink at least 20 water glass daily, I know doctors recommend less that this number but as much you will drink water your body inside will be more clean as a result your skin will be smooth, shinny and fit as well, drink one little warm water in morning, if you want to lose your weight as well that do not eat any other things rather than food, and it will more good if you use vegetables in your food,

Walk at least 10 minutes daily,

How to get rid of Kidney Stones

Kidney is one of the main parts of our body the kidneys help to detox and filter impurities from the blood, it misuse products from urine, Stones form in kidney when it is not able to Process venom powerfully. Exclusively, a crystallization of unrefined reserves builds up. That stone cause pain and as it block the flow urine, it is somehow treacherous. If you know anyone who has this issue that kindly tell them about some easy methods mention to get rid of this issue, or refer this article
 Here I will tell you some easy methods that will save your time if you are working person, taking care yourself is very important so do not ignore such issues.

1: Lemon Juice, Olive Oil, and Raw Apple Cider Vinegar:
Take 2 tbs lemon juice, olive oil and 1 tbs raw apple cider vinegar mix it in one glass water and drink it, do this 3 times in a day, if you want get rid stone soon than drink at least 20 glass water in a day,
2: Kidney Beans:
Kidney beans are also good for kidney stone; traditionally the pods were used as a medicinal tonic. Try to remove beans from inside their pods, and then boil pods for 3 hours in water, you will see that thick liquid will be there, cool that and take throughout the day, continue till 10 days.
3: White radish
this vegetable is very helpful  for kidney stone, and it is 100% guarantee, take one radish in early morning before eating anything drink juice of radish, it is very sour for drinking but do this only for 7 days, after this have a examine of your kidney, I guarantee there will be no stone,
 I personally have tried this method, and I was really amaze when got my report,

4: Eat Healthy food

Unhealthy food intake is a primary root of kidney stones. Cut down on the amount of cold drink and energy drinks you drink. Avoid progression foods and intoxicating beverages. Add more fruits and vegetables to your diet,

5: Pomegranate or Watermelon

Eating Pomegranate is also helps for getting rid from this issue, both seed and juice are helpful, Eat 2 pomegranates daily or drink one or 2 glass of juice for 7 days, you will see the result from the day 1,
Watermelon is a great way to treat kidney stones composed of calcium and magnesium phosphates and carbonates. The potassium present in watermelon is an essential ingredient for healthy kidneys. It helps regulate and maintain the acid level in urine. Along with potassium watermelon has also a great/ high absorption of water, eating water melon regularly will delete kidney stone problem from your life,

Exercise 30 minutes every day, cardiovascular exercise will keep your bones from releasing excess calcium, apply these tips, hopefully you will get result, all tips have benefits but especially I will refer you radish tip, 

How to Create and Earn Money by Blog

you will find so many sites for earning money from home, and most of them will be scam, few will be real that have little long process, earning money is not easy so it needs time and proper attention, you will see many sites there will be written earn 1000 $ in a day in a hour etc, it just for making us more greedy, that all are scam, remember one thing if the site is real than there will not be demand like register in 49$ 10$ etc…. or minimum cash out is 40 $ 300$ etc.. If it’s not fake then why such standards have been created? Money is your, you can cash out any time and any amount you want,  some sites which offers surveys, advertising etc will give you earning that are actually  for advertisement of people who are trying to engage people or use others for their advantage.
Yes there are some sites, like data entry and other works available, they don’t have any registration fees just form is there, sometimes small amount of registration is also there but they will contact at your cell that particularly will be in your area or nearby.
My This Article is actually a guide for all people, who wants to earn money through blogging, earning by blog is not very easy but not very tough as well. You will need
  • ü  A computer with internet availability,
  • ü  Good writing skills,
  • ü  A Gmail account where you will create blog
  • ü  Computer Skills
  • ü  2 to 3 hours daily
  • ü  Patience ( most important for blogging)
  • ü  New Ideas
No experience or no other skills requires different that above list.
Create a Blog:
For creating a blog you will need to have a Google account or Gmail id,
After creating you account, think on what topic you can write articles or what should be the name and address of you blog, Then open a new window and write on address bar, you will see the page will open, follow the image...There is the option of new blog click there; a dialogue box will be open write the Title of your blog as you have finalized before, and then write address select template, your blog is ready, so it’s the time of writing on blogs Keep in mind one thing you must read all the terms and condition of Google before working on blog.

  • ü  Do not copy paste of your articles Google can easily detect it
  • ü  Do not upload more videos, pictures, animation
  • ü  Contents should be contain on complete sentences and paragraphs no more headlines are necessary
  • ü  Read Terms Condition carefully
Start writing Articles you must write 15-20 Articles in a month having valuable contents, incase if you will copy paste you will not get the Google ad sense account that is very necessary for earning, If you will write valuable Articles and more than 15 in a month, containing more than 400 words than you may get Google account in 5 or 6 month, till that you should have patience, When you feel your blog have more content you can apply for Google absence account.
You may search on Google for applying process for Google adsense

Hope this article is helpful for you, so do not wait now create your blog, you can earn more than 1000$ in a month. Advertising and promotion is other part that you will start after having Google account, I will write another article foe this. J

Easy Ways to Straight Curly Hairs

No Doubt Curly hairs seems beautiful but it is very difficult to tame them, so most of us want have straight hairs as with straight hairs we can different here styles but not more styles with curly, Many of us have straight hairs they convert their hairs to curl for looking change and beautiful, here I will introduce some easy and result oriented tips for getting straight hairs, I personally have tries some of them and got the long and straight hairs, you may have hear demand of products for hair straighten, although it have some disadvantages like damaging of hairs, you will lose shinning of your natural hairs and it will not remain straight for a long time.
Most women think twice before straightening curly hair as they worried about the damage. However with the accurate method, tools and technique, you can certainly achieve the straight look without much damage.

Here are a few methods which are safe to straighten your curly hair.
Use of Milk:
Milk works like miracle for curly hairs, take a spray bottle and pour fresh boiled milk on it, it should be cold, spray your hairs particularly its for dry hairs, comb your hairs after 10 minutes, and then let it be in your hairs for 30 minutes  more, wash them,  do this technique
You may also include honey in milk, though then you don’t have spray at, then you can put like oil, let it get fully dry than wash, it may take more than one hour, in the same way coconut Milk is also the product that will straight you hairs, and you will get long hairs with continue use of coconut Milk, 
You may use lemon juice with coconut oil for shinning your hairs,

Olive Oil:
You may have heard from your ancestors that warm oil massage strong the hairs, it is very right and useful method, use warm olive oil, massage your hairs deeply 3 times in a week, and then bend your hairs knots, wash after 5 6 hours,
You may include egg with olive although the time duration will decrease, than use for 1 to 2 hours only..

Banana Mask
Make a paste of two mashed bananas and two tablespoons each of natural yogurt, honey, and olive oil. Add in one egg white. Apply the mask to the hair and cover with a shower cap.
 Leave the mask on for 45 t minutes and wash off, you may increase time duration to 1 hour,
Oil is very important for your hairs with different mask as well, many of us do not use hairs and they use different expensive products that really gave better result although that will not remain for long time, I would not say not to use that products but I will request to use oil as well for long time result. It is very important that your must be thick healthy not only straight, so take care your hairs, I will stop you to use hair straighter, particularly low quality straighter,
 Home treatments give outstanding results, if done on a regular basis. These remedies relax the hair shaft and smooth curls and waves. The result is a straighter, healthier, and shinier mane without any extra cost or damage

Who is more effective, Entrepreneur or a Common Business man?

Do you think the Entrepreneur and common business man is different??  If Yes, then How? Here in this Article you will find that what is actually a business man and an Entrepreneur is? What is different between them, and who is more effective?
“A business man is simple a Person (Male or Female) who starts a business having main purpose to get benefit from the business,”
“An Entrepreneur can be Person can be any age (more than 18) of any gender having the viable idea, objectives, goal, and the strategies to reach the goal, Goal is not to get benefit although staying in the market for the long time with the excellence power and qualitative business from every corner”
A Common Business man cannot be called an Entrepreneur however An entrepreneur can be called A business man,  An Entrepreneur is the person who do not focus on business only although  he would like to play his role in Country economic, He will have social relation with others having effective communication skills  and frank attitude with internal and External customers, He will deal with Employees not like a typical boss although He will lead as a Facilitator, Employees will be front fighter and can be called the backbone of an Organization, and the customers all well focused for an Entrepreneur, their demands will be more appreciable,

Some Common differences b/w An Entrepreneur and Business man:
A businessman can make a business out of an derivative business or product idea. He enters into presented businesses, such as franchising and retailing. He chooses a hot and money-making business idea despite of whether it is his original idea or borrowed from somebody else.
An entrepreneur is an originator and the first creator of a product. He invests his time, money and energy on his own idea. He doesn’t start a business from an imitative idea. Therefore he starts on a establish while a businessman starts on a business.
Businessmen take intended and managed risks. 
They cannot afford to lose money and suffer from liquidation. 

That is why they always do the Math when it comes to business.
Entrepreneurs are like the firmament divers. They take fanatical risks. They often don’t care of losing time and money just to follow their passion. But since they do it with love, pleasure and craze, they often gain surprising rewards. Entrepreneurs, since they do the things they love the most, they do it with the best of themselves, ensuing to better success. An Entrepreneur believe Risk are the part, no risk no success more risk more chances of success.
A business possessor tries hard to hit his competitors and win the competition. He also considers collaboration rather than opposition to achieve convinced goals.

An entrepreneur believes , that competitors are facilitators for our business they helps us to find the weak areas of our business, they derived us to work hard, so remove negative things in your products to improve organization level and reward to employees and friendly communication can beat your compotators, Improve yourself rather than teasing others.
A businessman defines his and business success as success by getting more benefit or achieving objectives before the time, He counts that Its stakeholders include himself, co-owners, employees, customers, investors, and even his community
An entrepreneur simply doing his job and let history defines the success that he is capable and skillful
These were my views about Entrepreneur and A business man, which proves that an entrepreneur are more powerful and efficient that a business man.

 Both businessmen and entrepreneurs are supposed to be the variety of people that our world needs. A businessman needs an entrepreneur. An entrepreneur may also need a businessman. So there are many person who are Business man but have the qualities of An Entrepreneur so they are also Entrepreneurs,